What to Do After an Interview

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You may feel as though once the interview is over that’s your hard work done, but wrong! An interview is the very beginning of the process. 

We all know how frustrating it can be when the days pass by and you are yet to hear any feedback from the interviewer.
Below are some simple suggestions on what to do once attending an interview:


Know the Process:
- Not every interview process is the same, so it is vital to enquire on how long the expected decision time is due to take. Some recruiters may be interviewing many candidates over many weeks whereas others may only be interviewing one or two candidates across several days. When the interview has concluded it is a perfect time to enquire about this.
- Follow up with a brief letter thanking the interviewers for their time and explaining that you are still very interested in the position. This will express intuition and politeness and will always give off a good impression.
- If you have still not heard back from the interviewers a few days past the proposed decision date, be sure to give them a call. Ensure you know the full names of the interviews and ask to speak to them directly if possible.

Don’t Dwell:
-Many of us leave interviews kicking ourselves about information that we may have left out of our answers or by stalling on a question. Try and avoid this at all costs because there is very little that you can do about it. Dwelling about your interview and picking out all of the negatives will only dent your self-confidence. See mistakes or ‘blips’ as a positive and something to learn from in the future.

Continue the Search:
-Just because your first interview may have gone well, this isn’t a reason to stop searching for jobs or attending other interviews that you may be offered. Unless you are offered the job on the spot you cannot be 100% confident!
-You want to keep your options open as much as possible, and you never know, you may even end up in the amazing position of being able to choose between more than one job offer!



Information sourced from Monster and Business Insider.